Sports Vice Captain's Message

“When people say that your dreams are crazy remember,that genius ideas do not come from average minds.”
It’s a matter of pride and responsibility to be appointed as the Sports Vice Captain of Loreto Convent School Tara Hall. It gives me immense pleasure to express my heart felt gratitude towards the Principal Sr. Goretti Tirkey, teachers and my school mates.
I have a feeling of achievement and accomplishment but, at the same time I do not forget that with power comes greater responsibility.
I have tried to become a person who always tries to be better at one’s craft. My zeal and ambition is what keeps me going and, blinds me to even see myself quit. I am hustling and persevering, either I win or I learn.
I hope that I will live up to the expectations of the school and, I’ll work as hard as I can to make this institution that has nurtured me for the past eleven years to reach the pinnacle.
Sports Vice Captain
Saanvi Sankhyan