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Loreto Convent ,Shimla

Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation is a movement which is an integral part of our Loreto Education system and it is in force in our Loreto schools all over the world. It is not just something we do but rather an attitude of mind which can change our lives, our way of looking things, a way by which we relate to others and bind us into a community working together for a better world.

In keeping with the goals of the United Nations to make this world a place where justice will ensure security and dignity foe all, JPIC India is working with zest and dedication towards the common goal of ensuring SAFETY OF WOMAN AND CHILDREN.

God, my loving mother and father,
     In the warmth of my home,
let me remember the homeless.
      In the aroma of my food,
Let me remember the starving.
   In the wholeness of my body,
Let me remember the impaired.
In the abundance of my blessings,
    let me not embrace vanity
    but let my actions speak,
    silently serving humanity.


God is our creator .
God is the way
God loves us all
Out in the world there are people praying saying
let your mercy fall
Let us join our hands and stay under one roof
Let the power of love fill our heart and make our spirit move
Together we can make the change and transform the world
That’s all we want
Chorus: Lets turn it all around
We can make the change
If we put our hands together
We’ll find a way
Justice, peace, integrity
That’s what we strive for
years of inequality 
Now will be no more

Peace is all we seek and love is all we spread
With your gracious hands you bind us with the same thread
We will change the world and make it alright
The sun will shine.